Magna Farta

CRank: 6Score: 20760

1. In full agreement with comment above me, make it NOT cost $600 at launch. $400 give or take $50 at max.

2. Since it's already rumored that the Cell will be in the PS4, PS3 BC is inevitable...maybe we'll see an improvement in PS3 games played on this console. Bring back PS2 BC with an online library in the store

3. If the installs bigger HDD's...2TB nowadays is NOT unreasonable.

4. PS3 puts out Uncharted (som...

4901d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

G4 has long been the bane of gamers everywhere. They started in 2002 as a 24-hour gamer's network, and while they mainly had clip and review shows, it was still a nice channel to have on when nothing else was on at all.

But alas the original G4 channel was extremely short-lived thanks to the minds of people in monkey-suits who felt that G4 needed to become the next SpikeTV. And not only that, but they brought down techTV with them, as if bastardizing G4 alone wasn't...

4908d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

He spends a good few paragraphs bitching about how much it cost him to play the old ones...

And once again, we have a flame review from a site I have never ever heard of

4933d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would be hard-pressed to NOT consider this as a downloadable game of the year

5041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was 10 when the first one came out and I remember parents and teachers freaking out about it. One kid had it on his Game Gear in school and the teacher actually smashed the cartridge, saying that she wouldn't tolerate Satan Worshipping and gay sodomy in her class.


5046d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment finding those last few games to complete your collection, and of course they're about $10,000 each.

but that's what emulation is for.

Personally I love retro. Ever since my 1986 Christmas getting an NES Power Pack with the gun and the Power pad, I've been hooked.

And now with a certain setup i have, i have almost my entire library of classic gen games on my tv at the push of a button. I still fire up some Wall Street Kid an...

5047d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...and when it's COMPLETELY digital distribution, is the day I stop paying for games period.

I'd rather pay $60 and have a disc to show for it then pay $60 for a LICENSE to play a certain game.

5047d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1st, The Saturn was actually MORE powerful than the PS1, but it had it's power spread over multiple processors, and only a handful of programmers knew how to code for multi-processors. Kinda that same problem that PS3 had compared to the 360. The power was there, but getting to it was a pain in the asses of most devs.

2nd, his math is WAY off. 660MB x 10 = 6.6GB, NOT 4.7.
32MB is 16X the RAM, not 10X.

Someone needs to go back to math class

5047d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

..considering that LLL-size boobies in games are starting to become an old and tired cliche.

Dante's Inferno used it well, and I winced every time those demon babies crawled out of cleopatra's massive nipples. But after playing that game and countless other with oversized juggs, I'm ready for a balls-to-the-wall action game.

Anymore when I see bare tits in a game, it just makes me think that the devs felt like the game couldn't stand on it...

5053d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

as I would say "will overstay it's welcome".

I'm not a fanatical FPS player, but Halo just couldn't keep my attention, I could at least finish Killzone 2.

And multiplayer isn't a factor for me considering I hate people and hate playing against people online even more.

5053d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1st: There is no God. No loving deity would allow such horrendous failures of human beings this much success.

2nd: Natural Selection is apparently no longer a factor. If it weren't for hospitals, every single one of these people would've died of stupidity early on before they could do damage to our culture.

3rd: Aliens exist. They took genetic samples of the worst kind of people over the last few centuries and used it to create these vile beings...

5058d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as in nation-wide? 503? Holy crap, I remember seeing the ads on TV and thinking to myself that this is quite possibly world's worst phone.

Nice to know that people wise up on crappy technology once in a while

5060d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

or do the sound effects..well..sound like shit?

5062d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

...When I first saw the new Cole on the Game Informer cover, the first thing I thought was "Dammit, they turned Cole into a douchebag!"

Excellent turn-around Sucker Punch, you did good.

5062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...I've been desperately needing a good beat 'em up since I've beaten God Hand about a hundred times.

On the other hand, I despise Michael Cera, and watching him beat the shit out of 7 (much bigger) guys, is not only going to be unbelievable, it's going to be unwatchable.

Anywhos, good for 360 on getting the if Behemoth can hurry up on that Castle Crashers PS3 port....I'm waiting...impatiently

5065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...I really hope this becomes one of gaming's failures.

Only because I like owning what my money goes towards. I like having a ton of cases on my bookshelf to choose from, knowing that even when the next-gen consoles come out, I will still have the ability to play these games....they are mine, no one else's.

However, with a server-based subscription service, you still pay, but there's always the chance the games will be deleted from their servers...

5066d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've actually heard that these people's church needs 24 hour police patrolling to keep people from burning it down/blowing it up.

And I think it's sad that anywhere these wastes of life go, the city has to assemble riot squads to protect them.

Fred Phelps and his entire inbred, fuckstain family need to start contributing to society in better ways, and they can each start with playing a game of Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.

5068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry to hear that man. I'm sure now that she's clean, she's sorry for it, but I also know that still doesn't get your games back.

....just thinking about that makes me hurt a lil

5068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...apparently he was in some dire straits, and he's offering to show receipts for bills paid if this sold. Hopefully this is true because if I find out it was some get-rich-quick scam, I'm gonna be mad I didn't think of it first.

5068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....or did she get a MAJOR boob inflation?

In the game, she was maybe a small C, now she's about a DDD.

Not that I'm complaining, just pointing out the obvious

5069d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment